Sunday 31 January 2010

Good and Bad

Just felt I had to write something today. There are 28 fans of the Facebook site and I need to post something now. Why? Does anyone read this? I guess it doesn't matter - perhaps it's just OK that it makes me feel better about my lack of other action.

So the good news first (if anyone is reading this). We have had some more sign ups. Two Dan's (Friend of Craig and friend of mine from work). Two ladies - Liz and Louise (friend of mine from work and girlfreind of Kris who is also riding).

So we are 13.

Mum reckons thats a bad number so we could do with one more of you to sign up. Go on. What else have you got planned for Easter?

The bad news. I just can't complete. Great start to the week with 4 sessions on the excersise bike. All building upto the 25 miles I MUST do this weekend to fit in with the training plan.

No. I found every excuse under the sun (and indeed snow) not do get the real bike out. Snow and cold on Saturday. Busy day and tired on Sunday.

It's either as simple as the homework syndrome; leave it all to the last minute to add to the pressure or something more sinister. It can't still be the homework syndrome I am nearly 36 for christ sake.

Maybe it's that self destruct thing where it is all going so well you feel you have to ruin it slightly, or put more pressure on yourself, or you just cannot make that final commitement.

Whatever it is - I have the same problem on the organisation side. Great start. Two hotels sorted, curry house booked for the first night, DInner booked for the second. But the last push for the final hotel and the Eurostar to England seems like too much hassle. Why?

I don't know. But this whole journey was always going to be a journey of discovery. I just did not expect it to start now and I did not expect this blog to be the conduit of that personal journey.

However tomorrow I will get back on the real and metaphorical bike. Get back to training, book those hotels and write a much better, lighter and funnier piece.

See; I finished this. I can complete...


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